PBacs - Now Specializing in the Sale of Refurbished Server Hardware

At PBacs, we are proud to offer high-quality, refurbished server hardware, including servers, workstations, storage solutions, drives, and CPUs. Our mission is to provide top-tier, reliable hardware along with exceptional customer support to meet all your IT needs.

Our range of offerings includes:

  • Refurbished Server Hardware of the Highest Quality

We meticulously refurbish our server hardware to ensure it meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. Each piece of hardware undergoes rigorous testing to guarantee optimal functionality, giving you the performance you need without the premium price tag.

  • Workstations for Demanding Workloads

Our refurbished workstations are designed to handle the most demanding workloads, from graphic design and video editing to data analysis and software development. Equipped with powerful processors and ample memory, these workstations ensure smooth and efficient performance.

  • Storage Solutions to Meet Your Data Requirements

We offer a variety of storage solutions to cater to your specific data needs. Whether you need high-capacity drives for extensive data storage or high-speed SSDs for quick access to critical information, we have the right solution for you.

  • Drives and CPUs for Diverse Performance Needs

Our selection of drives and CPUs is tailored to meet diverse performance requirements. From high-speed SSDs and reliable HDDs to powerful multi-core processors, we provide the components you need to enhance your system's performance.

  • Experienced and Reliable Support Team

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you with any questions or issues you may have. With extensive knowledge and experience, our support professionals are committed to providing timely and effective solutions to ensure your satisfaction.

  • Fast Delivery and Efficient Service

We understand the importance of timely delivery and efficient service. That's why we prioritize fast shipping and quick response times to meet your urgent needs. You can count on PBacs for prompt and reliable service.

  • Redefined For A Greener Future

We understand and prioritize environmental responsibility to contribute to a more healthier planet and sustainable future. Our refurbished hardware is carbon dioxide friendly because it reduces the need for manufacturing new products, which in turn decreases carbon emissions associated with production processes. By extending the lifespan of existing devices, we minimize the environmental impact of electronic waste and conserve resources and that way we try to keep our products environment friendly.

Why Choose PBacs?

  • Quality: Our refurbished hardware meets stringent quality standards.
  • Performance: High-performance components for various applications.
  • Support: Around-the-clock support from experienced professionals.
  • Value: Reliable hardware at competitive prices.
  • Efficiency: Fast delivery and efficient service to meet your timelines.

Choose PBacs and benefit from reliable, high-quality hardware at affordable prices. Experience the difference with our exceptional products and dedicated support.